more rambling
Oh, the horror, the horror! Students from Emäopisto at Pikkukylä are coming next tuesday, and we have to entertain them for the whole day. The only good thing about this is that at least they study on the youth councillor line (not the right word, but the stupid net dictionary won't translate "nuoriso-ohjaaja"); I dread to think about the possibility that our visitors could have been from the secretary line... uhg.
We of course have to hold a concert. As they were so into our music the last time, this is going to be just marvellous. I wonder how many of them will die from exessive yawning during our little show. Then we'll guide them around the house, separate them into smaller groups and keep some workshops for them. Singing, dancing, playing kantele, rythm and that multimedia thing Hannu Saha showed us one time. I bet they are going to be just thrilled.
I hate to perform to an audience which I know doesn't give a shit about what I am doing. (The usual complaint of any performer, of course.)
Reksi and I had a long chat about Sibelius-academy last week. It seems that I will try to get in, and do it with my cello. Reksi will find a few polskas and I'll arrange some old jouhikko -tunes for the examination. With any luck, the board will at least notice me for my exeptional repertoire and choice of instrument. They won't take me in this year, but the next year they might remember me.
Oh, and I had my birthday. Didn't have any celebration, but I'm considering of making a cake. Although I really suck at making those things. Perhaps I could get Anni to bake me one...