World War II
I dreamt about Adolf Hitler. I can't remember most of it, but I think that in the dream he was (against all real-life evidence) quite handsome. But also a dangerous lunatic.
Most of the day I worked - trying to pull the Ropecon Gala together - but when I wasn't in the phone I read books about World War II. From our bookshelves I found a few children's books about Greec's occupation, lots and lots of military history and of course The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Military history can be terribly boring to read sometimes, so I started on the Rise and Fall.
After two chapters I have to say, that any book that claims to be historically objective - or even claims to try - shouldn't describe anyone as "demonic". I'm not saying I think Hitler was a jolly good chap, but if the writer really wanted to be objective, he screwed it up within the first ten pages.
As I went to check my emails, I chatted (via the messenger) some time with my danish frend Eric. He told me about a free on-line game NationStates. It sounds fun. Go see it here